October, 2021
FCPF launches manual for nesting of REDD+ initiatives
FCPF launches manual for nesting of REDD+ initiatives
October, 2021
Results story

In September, the World Bank published a guidance manual for policymakers working on how to create a common accounting system to integrate smaller REDD+ projects into larger-scale, national or sub-national REDD+ programs – an approach commonly referred to as ‘REDD+ nesting’.

Entitled Nesting of REDD+ Initiatives: Manual for Policymakers’, the manual provides guidance for the design and implementation of nested systems, along with an accompanying decision support tool. The manual aims to guide decision makers through the process of planning, identifying, and implementing efficient nested REDD+ systems.

The need for this manual emerged from the experience in piloting jurisdictional REDD+ programs under the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and other fora.

The manual is structured in three parts:

  • Nesting Design: provides guidance in defining the objectives of the nesting system, various approaches to REDD+ implementation, and other design considerations;
  • Nesting Elements: provides specific guidance on carbon accounting, measurement, reporting and verification (MRV), legal issues, benefit sharing, and safeguards; and
  • Nesting Implementation: provides guidance on practical considerations for the implementation of a nesting system.

While the target audience of the manual is policymakers in developing countries, it may also be useful for public and private REDD+ implementing partners, and other participants and stakeholders of REDD+ initiatives.

The manual will be officially launched on October 27 in a webinar organized by the FCPF. During this webinar, we will discuss the key objective of the manual for policy makers on the nesting of REDD+ initiatives - to provide an overview of models of REDD+ implementation, facilitate the designing of nested models, and transition existing models into the nested models that are best suited to each country’s circumstances. We will also discuss the Manual's detailed guidance on GHG accounting, institutional capacity, benefit sharing arrangements, and active stakeholder engagement for operationalizing the nesting of REDD+ initiatives. This will be followed by comments from some REDD+ Countries and a Q&A session. For RSVP and more information please go here.

Download the manual and decision support tool:

Nesting of REDD+ Initiatives: Manual for Policymakers

Nesting of REDD+ Initiatives: Decision Support Tool