
The existence of REDD+ initiatives on multiple scales within countries, and with access to various sources of financing has recently been a source of challenges for countries. The lack of updated and systematic guidance for designing a nesting system has been identified as a challenge for countries that are implementing REDD+. In order to address this challenge, the WB has commissioned a REDD+ Nesting Manual that is intended to provide guidance for the design and implementation of nested systems.

During this webinar, we will discuss the key objective of the manual for policy makers on the nesting of REDD+ initiatives - to provide an overview of models of REDD+ implementation, facilitate the designing of nested models, and transition existing models into the nested models that are best suited to each country’s circumstances. We will also discuss the Manual's detailed guidance on GHG accounting, institutional capacity, benefit sharing arrangements, and active stakeholder engagement for operationalizing the nesting of REDD+ initiatives. This will be followed by comments from some REDD+ Countries and a Q&A session. 

The REDD+ nesting manual may be accessed here, while the accompanying Decision Support Tool may be accessed here.


When and how to connect

October 27, 2021

9 am to 10:30 am EDT (Washington, DC)

3 pm to 4:30 pm CEST (European Central)

WBG Users: RSVP and Add to Calendar

Non-WBG Users: RSVP and Add to Calendar

Join us on Zoom or use the meeting number: 959 0479 7809 and password: .qRBs6ezU5



Time (EDT)


Welcome and Introduction

                                9:00 - 9:05 am

Andres Espejo, (World Bank)

Overarching considerations                                9:05 – 9:20 am

Nesting elements

                              9:20 – 10:00 am

Comments from REDD+ Countries

                              10:00 – 10:10 am

Javier Darío Aristizabal (Dirección de Cambio Climático y Gestión del Riesgo del Ministerio de Ambiente - Colombia)

Q&A                               10:10 – 10:30 am  

Presentation and Videos

Presentation Videos     English    |    French    |     Spanish