December, 2021
The Future of REDD+ Financing - FCPF Knowledge Day Series 1
The Future of REDD+ Financing - FCPF Knowledge Day Series 1
December, 2021


The REDD+ financing landscape is changing, creating opportunities as well as complexities for FCPF countries. While the Readiness Fund formally closes next year, several other financing initiatives and commitments relating to REDD+ and forests have emerged. These include, for example, the World Bank’s new Climate Emissions Reduction Facility (CERF), the LEAF Coalition, and a renewed commitment to ending deforestation by 2030. The finalizing of Article 6 rules at COP26 also has implications for REDD+ initiatives and carbon markets more broadly. At this session, financiers, fund managers, donors, and client country representatives will provide insights on future readiness financing, options for monetizing emissions reductions, implications of Article 6, the importance of robust safeguards, and other critical issues to help countries and others navigate this evolving landscape.



Day 1

Session: The Future of REDD+ Financing

Daniel Kandy | Foreign Affairs Officer | US Department of State, United States | Speaker
Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy | Deputy Director of the State Steering Committee | Program on Sustainable Forest Development and REDD+ Implementation, Vietnam | Speaker
Eron Bloomgarden | Executive Director and Co-Founder | Emergent | Speaker
Simon Whitehouse | Fund Manager, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) | The World Bank | Speaker
Marc Sadler | Practice Manager, Climate Funds Management | The World Bank | Speaker