The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) assists developing countries in their efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (all activities commonly referred to as "REDD+") by providing value to standing forests through the FCPF Readiness Fund and Carbon Fund.
Feature Stories
The Partnership Grows by Three More Participants and Adds Grant Funding
The 17th Participants Committee meeting in Lima, Peru in July welcomed three more countries to the Readiness Fund. Belize,  Sudan, and Uruguay are the latest entries expanding the FCPF to 47 countries. Also, $34m in grant allocations were approved: $3.8m respectively to Belize, Madagascar, Paraguay, Sudan, and Uruguay to support REDD+ readiness, based on their Readiness Preparation Proposals; and an additional $5m respectively to Costa Rica, Ghana, and Indonesia, based on their mid-term progress reports and requests. A summary of the meeting is available in English, Espanol and Francais on the FCPF website. Read more
DRC and the Carbon Fund Confirm First Step for Future Forest Carbon Deal

On July 1, 2014, the Government of the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC) and the World Bank signed a Letter of Intent for the Carbon Fund to purchase up to 10 million emission reductions. The REDD+ program outlined by DRC addresses the drivers of deforestation in the Mai Ndombe region and is the first large-scale proposal of its kind in Africa.
Read more
Fast Facts
Over the past 12 months disbursement of FCPF funds has increased by 84% percent - from $9.8 million to $18 million.
Readiness Fund stands at 47 countries.
Carbon Fund pipeline is under development.
Three New Countries Added to Carbon Fund Pipeline

At the latest Carbon Fund meeting in Bonn, Germany, June 16-19, Chile, Republic of
Congo and Vietnam were selected into the Carbon Fund pipeline bringing the total to eight countries in the pipeline so far. The Carbon Fund will select a pipeline of up to 12 programs and will eventually pilot payment for performance for up 8-9 large-scale REDD+ programs. Read more
FCPF Launches REDD+ Learning Series

May welcomed the first REDD+ learning series webinar, "Understanding the
FCPF Methodological Framework." The FCPF Facility Management Team shared key aspects about this guiding document for the design of programs going forward in the Carbon Fund. This is the first in a series of learning tools focused on REDD+. The presentation and the webinar are available on the FCPF website in case you missed it. A Spanish language version will be available on the website shortly. Read more
 Ask the FMT... ?
What is the scale of technical assistance vs. performance-based payments from the FCPF?

To date the Readiness Fund has $360 million to assist 47 countries with REDD+ readiness. The Carbon Fund has $465 million for performance-based payments from emission reductions from REDD+ for an estimated 8-9 programs.

Where will the Carbon Fund work?

Eight countries are in the Carbon Fund pipeline thus far and up to 12 countries will be selected. Stay tuned for new program ideas at the next Carbon Fund meeting in October. The Carbon Fund will eventually pilot large-scale REDD+ programs in up to 8-9 of these countries.
  Voices from the FCPF
"REDD+ is not an alternative to development, but a development alternative that benefits local communities, and supports food security, improves livelihoods, and, ultimately, shared prosperity."
-Ellysar Baroudy, Coordinator of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Events & Deadlines
  • Jul 30 - Aug 1, 2014 Capacity Building Workshop for ER-PIN Development for Latin American Countries, Lima, Peru
  • Aug 15, 2014 Deadline to submit Country Progress Reports for PC18
  • Aug 18, 2014 Deadline to submit Readiness Preparation Proposals for PC18
  • Sept 1, 2014 Deadline to submit Mid-Term Progress Reports for PC18
  • Sept 5, 2014 Deadline to submit ER-PINs for CF11
  • Sept 22, 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, New York, NY
  • Sept 23, 2014 Climate Summit 2014, New York, NY
  • Week of Oct 10, 2014 or Oct 13 - 17, 2014 11th Carbon Fund Meeting (CF11), (Washington, DC, TBC)
  • Week of Oct 29 - Nov 4, 2014 18th Participants Meeting (PC18/PA7), Tanzania
 Please submit suggestions for your stories and other feedback on the newsletter.
 This newsletter is issued every 2-3 months. For more information about FCPF please  visit:
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