The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) assists developing countries in their efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (all activities commonly referred to as "REDD+") by providing value to standing forests through the FCPF Readiness Fund and Carbon Fund.

Feature Stories

Making Forest Commitments a Reality

In the context of Climate Week NYC 2015 Ellysar Baroudy, Coordinator BioCarbon Fund & Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, shared a blog on how the World Bank's forest funds, including the FCPF, are taking action on forest commitments being made. Read more


Sudan Launches REDD+ Program

On September 2, 2015, Sudan's Forests National Corporation (FNC) launched the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) Preparedness Project. Supported by the FCPF this new project paves the way for Sudan to implement a series of important activities, including institutional strengthening and capacity building, for a future performance-based emission reductions program. The REDD+ project works across a range of sectors, presenting an opportunity for comprehensive action.
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New Publication: FCPF-UNREDD Joint Guidance Note for REDD+ Countries: Establishing and Strengthening Grievance Redress Mechanisms

The FCPF and UNREDD have published a Guidance Note to help REDD Countries strengthen their capacity for grievance resolution in order to respond to contentious issues, complaints and disputes. Created jointly the Note proposes an approach to grievance resolution activities to be carried out during the Readiness phase.
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Fast Facts


At the 20th Participants Committee Meeting coming up in November, Costa Rica will be the second REDD+ Country to have its Readiness Package reviewed by the FCPF Participants Committee.



An additional, 11 countries will be sharing proposals for large-scale Emission Reduction Programs at the 13th Carbon Fund Meeting in October.



FCPF grant disbursements during Fiscal Year 2015 totaled $16.1m, which is almost double the amount for the previous year.


International Workshop on Jurisdictional Integrated Landscape Management Programs

From July 20-22, 2015, representatives from REDD+ countries met for an African Regional Workshop on Jurisdictional Programs. The workshop convened technical leaders from Mozambique, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Zambia, Gabon, India and Brazil, who serve as counterparts to the BioCarbon Fund (BioCF), Forest Investment Program (FIP) and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). It focused on building a common understanding among countries on how to design and operationalize sustainable landscape management programs that contribute both to rural development and greenhouse gas emission reductions. Read more


New Resolutions Section on FCPF website

The FCPF website features a new section presenting resolutions passed by the FCPF Participants Committee and Carbon Fund sorted by topic. Resolutions may still also be found on each respective Participants Committee/Participants Assembly and Carbon Fund meeting page.

  Voices from the FCPF

In the context of the International Workshop on Jurisdictional Integrated Landscape Management Programs, Ana Isabel Senda, Mozambique's Deputy Minister of Land, Environment and Rural Development, said:

" In Mozambique we are aware that forest conservation needs to happen through actions that improve our land use, such as soil conservation, sustainable production of alternative products from natural forests, among others, which in turn help increase the agricultural production and productivity within rural communities."

  Images from the FCPF

Events & Deadlines

           The Mid-term Progress Reports (MTRs), Readiness Package and Emission Reduction Program Idea Notes (ER-PINs) to be presented at the upcoming FCPF Carbon Fund Meeting (CF13) and 8th Participants Assembly/20th Participants Committee Meeting (PA8/PC20) are available on the respective meeting pages.

           Oct 13-16, 2015 13th Carbon Fund Meeting (CF13), Brussels

           Nov 4-6, 2015 8th Participants Assembly/20th Participants Committee Meeting (PA8/PC20), Costa Rica

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