The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) has created a normative framework for REDD+ readiness and provides a robust platform for information exchange and knowledge sharing on a wide range of REDD+ design and implementation issues.

The sections below organize the full range of guidelines, templates and foundational documents for the FCPF Readiness and Carbon Funds, including the FCPF Charter and Rules of Procedure, the Facility's Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, as well as annual reports and newsletters.

  • Requirements and Templates
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • FMT Notes and Resolutions
  • Knowledge
  • Topics
  • Program Announcements
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May 2015
Lecture on Incorporating community based monitoring (CBM) in national (or sub-national/ jurisdictional)* REDD+ monitoring PPT
May 2015
Lecture on Monitoring activity data for forests remaining forests (incl. forest degradation) Exercise Materials
May 2015
Framework for building national forest monitoring systems for REDD+
May 2015
Lecture on Incorporating community based monitoring (CBM) in national (or sub-national/ jurisdictional)* REDD+ monitoring Country Examples 2 PPT
May 2015
Lecture on Monitoring activity data for forests remaining forests (incl. forest degradation) PPT
May 2015
Lecture on Incorporating community based monitoring (CBM) in national (or sub-national/ jurisdictional)* REDD+ monitoring Introduction to Country Examples PPT
May 2015
Lecture on Monitoring activity data for forests using remote sensing PPT
May 2015
Lecture on Framework for building national forest monitoring systems for REDD+: Exercise Materials
May 2015
Lecture on Framework for building national forest monitoring systems for REDD+
May 2015
Lecture on Monitoring activity data for forests remaining forests (incl. forest degradation) Country Examples PPT
May 2015
Update Second FCPF Program Evaluation
May 2015
Lecture on Monitoring activity data for forests remaining forests (incl. forest degradation) Exercise Materials
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In October 2021, the FCPF adopted an updated program-level Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, that includes: a revised FCPF results framework, including revised impact, outcome and output statements, and revised indicators; an indicator-by-indicator overview and reporting guidance including rationale for indicators, data sources, measurement approaches, and reporting responsibilities; revised progress reporting templates; and an outline of options for future FCPF evaluations.

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Participants Committee
July 2018
Resolution PC/24/2017/5: Endorsement of Nicaragua’s Readiness Package
Participants Committee
July 2018
Resolution PC/Electronic/2018/4
Carbon Fund
June 2018
FMT Note CFM-2018-2: FY18 Budget Status and FY19 Proposed Budget for the FCPF Carbon Fund
Participants Committee
May 2018
Resolution PC/25/2018/6: Establishment of a List of Independent Third Parties
Participants Committee
May 2018
Resolution PC/25/2018/1: Burkina Faso’s Request for Additional Funding
Carbon Fund
May 2018
FMT note CF-2018-05 Guidance on reporting periods
Carbon Fund
April 2018
FMT note CF-2018-04 Guidance on technical corrections_Revised Final_CFPs
Participants Committee
March 2018
Resolution PC/25/2018/2: Dominican Republic’s Request for Additional Funding
Participants Committee
March 2018
Resolution PC/25/2018/3: Endorsement of Guatemala’s R-Package
Participants Committee
March 2018
Resolution PC/25/2018/5: Approval of the FY19 Annual Budget for the Readiness Fund
Participants Committee
March 2018
Resolution PC/25/2018/4: Endorsement of Lao PDR’s Readiness Package
Participants Committee
January 2018
Resolution PC/Electronic/2018/1: Pakistan’s Request for Additional Funding
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May 2012
Key considerations for benefit sharing
May 2012
Mechanisms for benefit sharing
April 2012
R-PP Guidelines on National Grievance Mechanisms
March 2012
Guidelines on Stakeholder Engagement 2012,2013
February 2012
Identifying and Working with Beneficiaries When Rights are Unclear
February 2012
FMT Note on Enhancing Capacity for Dispute Resolution English, Spanish, French
June 2010
FMT Note: Incorporating Environmental and Social Considerations into the Process of Getting Ready for REDD+
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