The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) has created a normative framework for REDD+ readiness and provides a robust platform for information exchange and knowledge sharing on a wide range of REDD+ design and implementation issues.

The sections below organize the full range of guidelines, templates and foundational documents for the FCPF Readiness and Carbon Funds, including the FCPF Charter and Rules of Procedure, the Facility's Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, as well as annual reports and newsletters.

  • Requirements and Templates
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • FMT Notes and Resolutions
  • Knowledge
  • Topics
  • Program Announcements
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Second Program Evaluation (2016)
November 2018
Inception Report (revised)
First Program Evaluation (2010)
November 2018
Executive Summary
September 2018
Satellite data and monitoring systems for REDD+
September 2018
Evaluation stratégique environnementale et sociale (Suite)
September 2018
REDD+ Training Material for Forest Monitoring (Recorded lectures)
September 2018
Evaluation stratégique environnementale et sociale
September 2018
Monitoring, Reporting, & Verification
September 2018
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries: A sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring measuring and reporting
September 2018
Carbon Stock Assessment Guidance: Inventory and Monitoring Procedures
September 2018
Technical forest monitoring learning materials and decision support tools.
September 2018
Monitoring, Reporting, & Verification (Continued)
January 2018
ER Monitoring Report (ER-MR) Template
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Guidance Notes
July 2019
Guidance note on benefit sharing for ER programs
March 2018
Technical Assessment Report
Guidance Notes
January 2018
Guidance note on ability of the Program Entity to transfer title to ERs
Guidance Notes
August 2017
Guidance note on preparation of financing plan of ER programs
Guidance Notes
June 2016
FCPF Guidance Note on Disclosure of Information
November 2014
ERPA General terms & conditions
November 2014
ERPA Commercial terms
July 2014
ER Program Document
May 2014
ER Program Idea Note
June 2013
FCPF Assessment Framework
Guidance Notes
September 2012
Readiness Fund Disclosure Guidance

In October 2021, the FCPF adopted an updated program-level Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, that includes: a revised FCPF results framework, including revised impact, outcome and output statements, and revised indicators; an indicator-by-indicator overview and reporting guidance including rationale for indicators, data sources, measurement approaches, and reporting responsibilities; revised progress reporting templates; and an outline of options for future FCPF evaluations.

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First Program Evaluation (2010)
November 2018
Executive Summary
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Carbon Fund
June 2021
FCPF_CF23_Resolution_Carbon Fund Budget
Readiness Fund
February 2021
FMT Note 2021-1 Virtual Review for R-Package
Carbon Fund
December 2020
FMT Note 2020-4 Revision of Guidelines on technical corrections
Carbon Fund
November 2020
FMT Note 2020-3 Proposal crediting period-program start date
Readiness Fund
October 2020
Revisions to the frequency and modality of meetings of the PC, PA and CF meetings
Readiness Fund
October 2020
FMT note
Participants Committee
October 2020
Resolution 1 Endorsement of Vanuatu's Readiness Package
Readiness Fund
October 2020
FMT Note 2020-2 Revisions to the frequency and modality of fund meetings
Participants Assembly
October 2020
Resolution 1 Election of the Participants Committee, Bureau of Participants Committee, and REDD Country Observers to the Carbon Fund
Carbon Fund
July 2020
FMT Note CF-2020 FCPF CF Budget FY21 Final with Appendix
Readiness Fund
July 2020
FMT Note 2020: FY21 Proposed Budget for the FCPF Readiness Fund
Participants Committee
July 2020
Resolution Approval of FY21 Budget of the Readiness Fund
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March 2022
Integrating Gender Dimensions into the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’s Work
March 2022
Gender and Collectively Held Land: Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Six Global Case Studies
March 2022
Common Approach FAQ English, Spanish, French
March 2022
Joint UNDP – World Bank FCPF Guidance Note for REDD+ Countries: Establishing and Strengthening Grievance Resolution Mechanisms
March 2022
UN-REDD Programme Guidance Note on Gender Sensitive REDD+
Country Gender Work
March 2022
Ghana Gender Analysis and Action Plan
February 2022
Climate Finance and Banking Sector
October 2021
June 2021
Unlocking Private Sector Finance For Sustainable Landscape Management-2019
May 2021
Sustainable Cocoa Initiatives through Agroforestry: South-South Knowledge Exchange Program and Wider Group Sessions with Stakeholders of the Cocoa Value Chain
May 2021
Making Benefit Sharing Arrangements Work for Forest Dependent Communities
April 2021
FCPF Private Sector Engagement Approach
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