December, 2021
Lessons Learned on Monitoring and Reporting to the Carbon Fund
Lessons Learned on Monitoring and Reporting to the Carbon Fund
December, 2021

The webinar “Lessons Learned on Monitoring and Reporting to the Carbon Fund” is organized by the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and it will take place virtually on 13 December 2021. The purpose of the webinar is to present the innovative solutions developed by the FCPF Carbon Fund countries in order establish and implement effective MRV systems. Representatives from three countries, Costa Rica, Mozambique, and Vietnam will present key lessons, insights, and local examples related to their unique experiences, and exchange on related topics and questions with participants.

The main objectives of the webinar are: 1) for the three countries to share their lessons learned on monitoring and reporting to the Carbon Fund, 2) emphasize the need for countries to share their experiences and lessons learned, and 3) to discuss what it would take for those countries who are still struggling with the MRV processes to exceed in the near future.

The webinar will consist of three presentations, focused on the lessons learned on monitoring and reporting to the Carbon Fund, followed by a Q&A session. The focus of the three presentations will be on innovative approaches taken to overcome existing challenges in the monitoring process. The presentation by Costa Rica will focus on quantification of removals and enhanced removals from forestation/reforestation, followed by a presentation from Mozambique with focus on the process of developing an efficient mapping production chain, and will conclude with the experience shared by Vietnam to discuss the usefulness of their NFI data for monitoring and reporting.


Presentations Video




Day 1

Session: Welcome and Agenda

Elitsa Peneva-Reed | World Bank

Session: Presentation 1: Vietnam

Dr. Vu Tan Phuong
Dr. Vu Tan Phuong | Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Vietnam | Speaker

Dr.Vu Tan Phuong has 27 year working experiences with Vietnam Academy of Forest Sciences and took different management positions. He obtained the forestry university degree in 1994, a master of forestry in 2002 from Vietnam Forestry University and Ph.D. in forestry from Vietnam Academy of Forest Sciences in 2012. Dr. Phuong has 27 years working experiences in forestry research and management in Vietnam and international organizations such as WB, FAO, UNDP, CIFOR, ICRAF. Much of his work has been dedicated to forest biomass and carbon stock estimation, REDD+, mitigation and adaptation to climate change and sustainable forest management. In forestry sector of Vietnam, Dr. Phuong is a key person to develop REDD+ reference level, emissions reduction program and nationally determined contribution for LULUCF and to contribute significantly to development of climate change related policies.

Session: Presentation 2: Mozambique

Aristides Muhate
Aristides Muhate | Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel | Mozambique | Speaker

Aristides Muhate has 17 years of experience in forest and climate change. He worked in Monitoring and evaluation, data analysis, operations management, project design and development, strategy development as contributor and management in law enforcement, forest management and REDD+ in the Government and Private Sector.

His professional career started in 2004 as a technician in the Forest Department at the National Directorate of Forest and Wildlife, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Then, from 2006 to 2007, served as the Head of Services in the Provincial Forest and Wildlife Services. In 2008 moved to private sector working on REDD+ until 2013. In 2014 he was hired to work for the Government in REDD+ project design, and implementation.

Currently, is coordinating the MRV Unit at the National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS). Aristides holds master’s degree in engineering management from University of Pretoria and Honors degree in forest engineering from University Eduardo Mondlane. Aristides has passion for Data Science, Quality management, and systems thinking and analysis, and operations management.

Session: Presentation 3: Costa Rica

Héctor Arce Benavides
Héctor Arce Benavides | Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal | Costa Rica | Speaker

Héctor Arce is a forest engineer with 25 years of experience in the development of financing mechanisms for the forestry sector in Costa Rica. Since 2017, he has held the position of a Coordinator for the Redd+ Secretariat, and it has been his responsibility to negotiate the Emission Reductions Payment Agreements (ERPAs) with the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), results based payments project with the GCF and with other result based payment initiatives for reducing forest emissions.

Session: Q&A Session

Andres Espejo
Andres Espejo | World Bank | Moderator

Session: Wrap up and close of webinar

Elitsa Peneva-Reed
Elitsa Peneva-Reed | World Bank | Speaker