October, 2022
World Bank’s NextGenMRV system to be showcased at COP27
World Bank’s NextGenMRV system to be showcased at COP27
October, 2022
Results story

The World Bank’s Next Generation Measurement, Reporting, and Verification system (NextGenMRV) is a cutting-edge digitized and streamlined MRV system for nature-based mitigation activities. It is being designed by the Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL) to help track emissions reductions and enhanced removals from forests faster and cheaper than past approaches. 

In September, NextGenMRV was presented at the international ForestSAT conference in Berlin, Germany, as well as the SatSummit meeting in Washington DC. At both events, FCPF and ISFL experts outlined the background and need for NextGenMRV, its various development phases, and the participating countries already testing the system. 

World Bank projects in Colombia and Mozambique have been selected as pilot areas for NextGenMRV. High quality, multi-scale lidar data, as well as data from terrestrial laser scanning, unmanned aerial vehicle laser scanning, and airborne laser scanning are already being collected in Mozambique. This data will be used for estimation of forest above-ground biomass stocks including uncertainties. A second data collection campaign is planned for Colombia.

In November, NextGenMRV is expected to be included in the World Bank Group pavilion event at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.


How NextGenMRV works: