June, 2021
FCPF Opens Civil Society Organization Observer Self-Selection Process
FCPF Opens Civil Society Organization Observer Self-Selection Process
June, 2021

The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility is pleased to announce that the civil society organization (CSO) observer self-selection process, facilitated by RESOLVE, is now open. Observers serve as conduits between their constituency and the FCPF. Observers are expected to attend and actively participate in FCPF meetings, where they can speak to the issues being discussed and represent the interests of their CSO constituency. Selected CSO Observers will serve until the end of the Readiness Fund on 31 December 2022.

During the 2021 self-selection process, there are five total CSO Observer seats:

  • Four CSO Observer seats for regional representatives, including:
    • Three Southern CSOs based in a REDD+ country participating in the FCPF, one from each of the following three regions: Africa, Asia‐Pacific, and Latin America‐Caribbean.
    • One CSO based in a Northern country.
  • One CSO Observer seat for a gender-focused CSO from an organization based in a REDD+ country participating in the FCPF.

As a “self-selection” process, the civil society community plays an important role in selecting the next round of CSO Observers. Eligible organizations registered to vote will have the opportunity to vote for their preferred CSO Observer candidates.

For further details on observer criteria and responsibilities, please visit this website.