July, 2021
FCPF supports launch of new OpenMRV online platform
FCPF supports launch of new OpenMRV online platform
July, 2021

In partnership with the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) recently launched a game-changing resource for forest emissions measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV), called OpenMRV

OpenMRV is an online open-source platform providing improved access to key services, resources, and guidance to support countries and other users to operationalize their forest measurement, reporting and verification processes. This will facilitate South-South cooperation and enable countries to improve their own capacity without support from external entities. This has become crucial during the global COVID-19 pandemic, when capacity building has had to occur remotely.  

OpenMRV has been reviewed and tested by over 15 country representatives during its development phase. The platform is integrated with the other GFOI MRV support platforms, including the REDD Compass and the Registry of Tools, thus enabling countries and other users to navigate through the platforms in a seamless fashion.  

OpenMRV also serves as a living library where countries can archive and access current and older versions of shared MRV-support resources. All this information may be freely accessed and downloaded by forest countries through a user-friendly interface. 

OpenMRV will be hosted by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on their Open Foris infrastructure, and managed by the GFOI Office.